
And just like that.... January is half over.

Lana McCullough

Hi all!  It's January 14th, 2024.  One month today is Valentine's Day!

This is the time of year that I spend alot of time planning and bouncing around ideas about what I would like to do, make and create.  For those who don't know me that well, I do really like to creatively bake.  So this week, while feeling the snowy Christmasy vibes on the island, I made up some gingerbread cookies and then had fun decorating them.  I will be using what I learnt making these to make some bath bombs this week in a heart shape and see how I can finish them off to look similar to the cookies.  It's interesting how there is alot of cross over between my baking and making.  Even making cupcakes to eat and decorate sometimes translates over to my bath bombs and soaps.   p.s. The cookies above taste sooooo good!  

And then because the potting soil is already for sale here at the local grocer, I am planning on how to get some raised beds into an obvious potting/growing attached hot house in my house.  Last year I had limited success with my outdoor garden planting because there just wasn't a long enough season and I suspect the soil wasn't up to grade.  I'm looking forward to the challenge of growing in a limited space with trellises and pruning and timed plantings.  Hopefully this translates well into my transition of having my own little acreage someday.  Don't worry, just dreaming out loud on that one.  No announcements (so far anyways lol).  It's all part of my growing desire to be self sufficient and grow and make most of my food.  2024 will definitely be the year of learning self sustainability in all aspects of life!

I already have a good idea of where I want to be by the end of 2024 and what markets and shows that I will be doing this coming year.  For sure, I'm taking it easy during Jan - March.  2023 taught me that I am not about the little shows full of people doing their little side hustles nor the large shows just wanting to take advantage of small business with large fees and little follow through.  That just isn't my brand, my feels nor my customers.  It was a harsh lesson because I like everything to work well right out of the gate but there is something exciting about a strong comeback and finish after a slower start.  So here I am, making it exciting!  I definitely will be participating in the Salt Spring Island Farmers Market again this year beginning April 6, 2024 (weather permitting)!  It was such a success last year that I have decided to only stay on island and sell at the market from April until the end of October and grow my summer business with this market.  November will see me over on Vancouver Island at a craft fair, if all goes to plan.  I am not certain where December will find me but I strongly suspect that it will be a year of being closer to home and selling on Salt Spring Island at art galleries and shows.  Of course, I will announce the confirmed dates of these shows mid summer and when applications are finalized.  I am not certain how exactly I will make my way onto Vancouver this year.  I am trying to figure out creative and new ways to find my customers there.  I'll keep you posted as ideas come to mind on this front too.  I have a good amount of interest in my Vancouver peeps coming to see me at my studio this year so applications are being worked on but alot of what I do this year hinges on approval from organizers and home owners (I currently rent my space) so patience is required to see if this is something that I can do. I have made my requests and now I wait for answers and solutions.  They can come in surprising ways so I'm not tied to only one answer to this issue.  I'll keep you posted.

I do want to remind Vancouver Islanders (not the hockey team but the peeps living on Vancouver Island) that I am taking over some stock to the Nanaimo Art Gallery this week.  I'll be freshening up the display with some more seasonal candles and bath bombs.  It'll be a great place to do some Valentine's gift shopping!  Thank you for that continued support at the Art Gallery.  It is so wonderful to be part of something that benefits a non-profit while also increasing access to my products!

I do want to thank everyone who continues to support me online.  I appreciate it so very much!  It is so very true that each sale online is celebrated and I love putting together your parcels with love and care.  The words Thank you just don't seem to cover the amount of celebration and gratitude that each order generates. 

So as January rounds the corner and we begin the slide into February, I look forward to sharing more details as I take on new opportunities and create new products for you to enjoy.  It's going to be a great year that unfolds its surprises in its own time.  I'm looking forward to it!

Sending all of my love!




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