
All things Hartmont May 2024!

Lana McCullough

All things Hartmont May 2024!

Salt Spring Island beaches and sunny days! A happy May to all!  I hope that you are enjoying the weather, wherever you are.  It's been a mix of super sunny Summer weather here on Salt Spring one day and then the quiet rain and chill on others.  Perfect for the beach in the sun one day and by a cozy fire indoors, the next.  I really can't complain but I always put out the caveat of when I'm planning to be somewhere (at a market or a farmstand) that it is dependant on the weather.  Noone likes wet products so...

It's been a year already on Salt Spring Island and hello Lil Red Barn!

Lana McCullough

Tags 100% soy candles, farmstand, goodies

It's been a year already on Salt Spring Island and hello Lil Red Barn!

Time flies!  It was a year ago this week that I was scrambling to get all the packing finished and put onto a truck between snow storms and getting on the road to Salt Spring Island.  I knew that I just had to take the leap and get here to see what direction everything would go in as I started to rebuild from the devastation of the pandemic.  And so we arrived through a few trials and tribulations that we fondly (or not so fondly) reminisced on this past weekend.  What was so great about the process of reminiscing was...

More twists and turns than Salt Spring Island roads!

More twists and turns than Salt Spring Island roads!

Happy Spring Break to everyone!  Don't you just love when you plan for one thing and then something else comes to the forefront and changes need to be made?  I feel like that may just be my theme of 2024. The roads on Salt Spring Island are winding and hilly like the pic above. To give you some idea, the speed limit on most of the island is 50 km per hour, there are no stop lights (there are stop signs) and most roads have a do not pass, solid line down the middle.  If you get stuck behind someone...

Hello daylight savings time!

Lana McCullough

Tags candles, dates, events, markets, NEW, new scent, virtual shop

Hello daylight savings time!

Hello friends! February has flown by with all the activities and planning going on here on Salt Spring Island.   And Daylight Savings Sunday is already upon us!!  The schedule here is usually something to the tune of January is for dreaming, February is for planning those dreams and then March is for putting it into action or at least getting started.  Of course, the larger picture dream doesn't happen right away but small steps that are now being implemented are taking us in that direction and it's really quite exciting.  It's a good journey to be on.  It's definitely not...

Saying good bye to January and hello to February!

Lana McCullough

Tags candles, look out world, markets, promo

Saying good bye to January and hello to February!

Happy last week of January! I've been busy planning and organizing supplies and stock and have decided to clear out some large Aurora candles that I just have a little too much stock of.  It's all part of the organizing and building stock for the 2024 season that has me looking at these few left overs and thinking to myself that I'd rather that you got to enjoy them.  So I'm doing a spend $100 and get a free large candle of my choice for you promo.  You will notice the difference in coloring of these candles as the color...