
It's Test burning time.....again!

Lana McCullough

Today is test burning day/week. It's that time when I double check all the candles to make sure that everything is working as close to perfection as possible. If the candles didn't last so long, this would be a quicker job. I test burn from top to bottom at the recommended burn time of anywhere from a half hour to 2-4 hours. There's even a few that I leave burning for a full 12 hours straight to make sure that there's no over heating of glass in worst case scenarios. And I burn them from top to bottom because the...

Blog entry #1 Feb 2015

Tanner McCullough

Welcome to our new web page! It has some new features that we direly had missing from our old design. For the past 4-5 years we've had a loyal following of customers and friends who have begged to be dragged along for the ride of our expansion and growth. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, strap yourself in and enjoy my blogging of our ever burgeoning business as this new web design has a blogging feature (hopefully I used the correct terminology there). There will be no movie like Julie and Julia (which I adored) but there will...