Hello from Salt Spring Island! More beach finds to wet your whistle for the day!
There are so many tiny, tucked away beaches here that I'm still discovering them all and having trouble keeping them all straight. I believe this one is called Bader Beach with this gorgeous mountain stream flowing down into the ocean. Even though we drove there, I am still such a newbie that I have issues with keeping my compass here so not even sure which side of the island it is on. lol I normally am good with directions but someone pointed out to me that I'm also used to a grid system so it's easier to keep track of North, South and East and West as they just fall into place into a perfect grid. It is SO true! There are so many winding roads here that a straight line to anything does not exist...not even close. There are major winding roads going all sorts of directions navigating around mountains and lakes and parks. It makes keeping a feeling of true North incredibly difficult. Well, for me right now anyways. It is getting better as I learn the island more and more so I have hope that one day, I'll be on top of what direction is where.
And now that May long has passed, Summer season has officially started though the weather is still very cold and wet which makes it feel like October. But for the most part, it is starting to feel like Summer is here! What that means for me is that every Saturday (barring the most horrible rain imaginable) I will be at the Salt Spring Island Farmer's market. I am happy to let you know that I'm at my old spot by the ocean front. That makes it so much easier for shoppers to find me when I'm at the same location at the market every Saturday. Plus, added bonus, it's the prettiest spot!

In the meantime, I always have my webpage if you can't make it to Salt Spring Island. You get the full selection of my product line and if you ever are having an issue using the website, just contact me and I'll help you sort it out. Sometimes, it's even me forgetting to do something on my website so it's actually really helpful to have you contact me if something isn't working for you. I am always so grateful for each and every order online! Thank you so very much! Just know I always appreciate your support and it buoys my spirit.
It is definitely a dampened marketplace this year again which makes the multiple revenue streams a necessity. I always appreciate your choosing to support me and even moreso now!
New news is that I have My Hair Closet at 26 Kindersley Drive in East Saint Paul, MB carrying a good selection of my line! I'm looking forward to working with Tara and giving my Manitoba base yet another way to pick up my fresh products. Watch for updates on this front!
And that is all for now friends! Sending all of my love!