As you all know...it was March of 2020 when our businesses were shuttered and the pandemic began. It's been a loooong 3 years. I bided my time and did my best to navigate it all including unreasonable leases, working from home and trying to do what was best for the community and the greater good while trying to survive. It's the anthem of every small business and sadly, many have fallen by the wayside and just shuttered their doors permanently or worse yet, made it through to just give up because they are exhausted. Trust me, I know how they feel. One day, I asked myself what it would look like to just give up the ghost and call it a day. Would it be so bad? Then I asked myself, what would it look like if I didn't give up? And then the heavens opened and I got my answer...
My next phase for my business will happen on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia! The mecca of artisans in Canada will be Hartmont Candles new home. I am so excited to start this new adventure and so thrilled to be joining such a talented and reknown group. I visited a week or two ago and it instantly felt like home. It was so hard to not fall in love with it immediately and though I know every place has it's challenges, I now can let my heart open and welcome Salt Spring Island in.
It will be hard to leave Manitoba as the first years of the business did start here. But, everything has changed over the past few years and sometimes we can't look back, but have to look forward and start rebuilding. Because of the move, online orders will be received as usual but will not be shipping until early May 2023. Once May arrives my online shop will return to it's normal operation and filling times of approx 5-7 business days.
My business moving forward will be selling at pop ups for now across Canada and on Salt Spring Island at the local farmers market along with online sales. The Salt Spring Farmer's Market begins in April so I might be a little late to get started but I'm getting there as quickly as I can.
I will also be in:
Signatures Butterdome Spring Craft Sale in Edmonton May 5-7th.
The Vancouver Art Gallery shows at the North Plaza June 17th, July 8th, August 5th and September 9th.
The West Coast Women's Show at The Abbotsford Tradex October 13th, 14th & 15th
The West Coast Women's Show at BC Place November 17 - 19th.
Signatures Winnipeg at The Convention Center, November 23 - 26th. and more.... Stay tuned!
And of course I will be trying to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves by being on the West Coast again. Watch for those announcements still to come.
I just want to thank you all for your support for the past 3 years. Without it, I couldn't have made it this far and without you, I won't be able to climb all the mountains that I now have the energy to climb again. I appreciate each and every one of you. You are the BEST! I will strive to continue to make you the best products that you have ever experienced!
And for my Manitoba customers, of course, I will be in Winnipeg in November to sell directly to you at the Signatures Convention Centre show! And there is still FREE shipping online over $100 with added bonuses. Thank you for your inspiration and support!
I'd like to say that's it for news but more new products and designs are coming as the floodgates open to possibilities and creativity! Please keep watching and following. Some really cool stuff is coming!
Lots of love!