Summer Farmers Markets in full swing!
And just like that, July Farmers Markets are done. Time sure flies, doesn't it? July was a month with some learning curves to it. You truly don't appreciate the sun without the rain, metaphorically speaking as I do really enjoy the rain.
August will see me on Salt Spring Island every Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm. For those who know the work involved with a market, I'm at the market from 7 am to 4 pm. I think it gives appreciation for what exactly goes into a market for the vendors as 6 hours of sales requires about 3 hours of set up and/or take down. I do love getting in contact with customers face to face though. So many good ideas and feedback is shared! LOVE IT! In fact, I had a great conversation at market with a wonderful person who gave me the best suggestions for markets on Vancouver Island for the upcoming holiday season.
A few of my Christmas markets are confirmed for the holidays but most either have applications out and waiting for response as I sort out where exactly I want to be at what times during Nov and December. I will be at Abbotsford in mid October and BC Place mid November followed by Winnipeg Convention center the 3rd weekend of November. I am applying to shows on Vancouver Island (Sidney area as that's super close for me to ferry to and from instead of staying in a hotel, if I want) and the PNE in Vancouver. There is one local Christmas market here on the island but I have no idea when that gets organized. It's August and I'm used to having my Christmas shows sorted already so as much as shows want to jury and/or take their time organizing their event, I want to fill my slots now so it's almost the first ones to accept me and sign me up, will get my business this year as a vendor. I hope to be posting a confirmed and finalized listing by the end of August for you all to be able to plan your holiday shopping.
Markets are also a great way to see consumer attitudes to shopping and supporting local and/or small businesses. I am happy to report that on Salt Spring Island anyways, the market is doing well and I am discovering the whole concept of farm stands. There is now an app that shows all the farms stands on Salt Spring and what they sell and it even allows you to plan your trip and map out your journey of where you want to travel around the island. It is so incredibly charming to shop at a farm stand! So, of course, I want one. lol My goal for 2024 is to have my own place where I can have a farm stand that I can refrigerate and sell my own grown/produced baked goodies, veg and Hartmont products. I'll keep you posted on the outcome of that goal but it's great to have goals again and it makes me so creative and happy!
This coming weeks are full of challenges as new equipment arrives and I'm learning how to use it. It sometimes feels like two steps forward and 1 step back when working with new equipment as I have to learn what exact pieces I need to make things work and then go about finding them. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's daunting but I'm enjoying the process and savouring the feeling as I know that I don't get it that often. It's great to conquer something but nothing quite feels like those early stages of what on earth am I doing?!? lol It's a good time, believe it or not. It's the time when I get to decide what direction to go in, how to compromise to make the idea come to fruition and creatively still make it work for me. I honestly thought I would be much further ahead in the process by now but sometimes you just have to go with the flow too. I am very excited to share it with you when I am done though! Soon!
And already we are through another week... time is sure flying by! Thank you always for supporting me whether it be through shopping with me at the Salt Spring Island farmers market or online. I really do appreciate it and thank you for the support! It means so very much!
Wishing you a wonder week ahead and sending lots of love!