Greetings friends from Salt Spring Island Ganges Harbour!
This is my view almost every Saturday morning. It truly is amazing and there is always something (or someone) new to see out in the water. They must have incredible eyesight because I look at that water and see absolutely zero fish swimming about. Yet, they come up with fish intermittently and enjoy breakfast as I set up my tent at the Salt Spring Farmers Market. The locals are so used to the harbour that they really are immune to the beauty and charm of it all. 50 plus years of cold and snow will hopefully make me never take this place for granted. It is a truly incredible place to be!
One of my fellow vendors yesterday said something that rang so true for me. They said something to the effect that everyone who comes to the Salt Spring Island Farmers Market has a smile on their face and is so happy to be on Salt Spring. It is such a great market because of that. And I whole heartedly had to agree. This is the only place that I have ever had that "Christmas Market" vibe in the middle of summertime. There is a definite feeling of excitement and happiness all rolled into one at the Salt Spring Market and I am so thrilled to be a part of it.
Speaking of Christmas, it is starting to peek it's head around the corner and I have yet to begin production but have begun restocking supplies for production as I wait to see which shows/venues I am participating in. There is alot to choose from out here which is part of the reason that I made the jump to BC. As I have mentioned in my live videos, I will be at the West Coast Women's Show at the Tradex in Abbotsford in October and their Christmas Show at BC Place in Vancouver in mid November. I am waiting to see about another show in downtown Vancouver and will post when it is finalized. There are honestly a couple of shows in November that I'd like to do in Vancouver but they are in conflict with other shows that I'm already signed up for so I've had to put them on my "wish" list for next year. Of course, don't forget to throw in a weekend in November in Winnipeg for the Signatures Christmas Show.
I will be applying to a show on Vancouver Island the first weekend of December and will post more when that gets finalized as well. If you are keeping track, that is 5 larger shows from mid October to mid December which is a pretty full schedule along with online sales. Don't forget that the Salt Spring Farmers Market runs until the end of October too. That means alot of orchestrating and logistics has to be done as well as building stock so that I don't run out. August and Sept will be busy doing just that! And before you know it, Christmas will be here.
I'm excited for it all! I am having the best time seeing customers again that I haven't seen for years and catching up this Summer. It's hard to tell who is more thrilled that we have reconnected. lol (I think it's me.)
And of course, thank you for your continued support online! It's a nice virtual hug with each order that comes in online and I appreciate each and every one.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead! Sending all of my love!