Happy first full week of September friends!
Doesn't September always feel like new beginnings? It's what I love so much about the Fall....that feeling of new beginnings as we head into our busiest time of the year. It is no coincidence that my new line is being launched this month and it is taking me down a path that feels completely like a NEW beginning. It is a magical time and I'm excited to see where the new skills take me as I can really see the artistic side of this taking me in an amazing direction with my products.
To update on this, we are now on our third re-incarnation of the equipment that is needed to create the glass that I'm trying to create for my new line. There has been enough success to see that it will work but we are now fine tuning the end result so the finished product is close.... just not quite here yet. Thank you for coming along on the journey and being so patient. This is something that can be done but it isn't done alot so there isn't a wealth of support as far as figuring out what exact equipment is needed to get it done. And of course manufacturers of products will tell you that their product is exactly what is needed when, in fact, it is not. I know, sad but true. It just takes time to sift through it all to develop that excellent product that I can stand behind and be proud of. New equipment is supposed to arrive later this week. I have crossed my fingers and toes and think that it is the correct one to get us up and finishing the first prototypes. It would be so great to have them ready for launch next week. Pre-sales will go up first online and then I'll start selling them at markets as I build my supply. It's so very exciting!
It's fun to think of all the equipment and skills that I've collected and developed along the way. There's a printer that I bought when I went to New York to sell at the Columbus Circle Christmas Market way back in 2016 that at the time, I thought made cute boxes. I didn't really need it then and it sat in a box for the longest time before I cracked it open. I just knew I needed it way back then for future me. Past me certainly knew something that took me about 7 years to figure out exactly what it was. There's a certain magic to me buying something that I knew I needed but not exactly what I needed it for and it wasn't boxes. Just trusting my instinct and getting it anyways.
This entire year has very much felt like me trusting in the unknown and believing in the magic of what happens when I let go of those reins a little bit. It's true of horses, it's true of life. Wishing you a week full of trust and magic!
Sending all of my love!