
One month since we closed the shop at The Johnston Terminal at The Forks due to COVID19

Lana McCullough

Yesterday, I had the excuse to go to Winnipeg and pick up a few supplies to keep production and sales going.  Just getting out on the highway was a real treat!  Remember when it was a chore to drive to work?  It's been a the day.  Now driving is a complete and utter delight!  I enjoyed every minute and to add extra icing on top of the cake, the roads were dry.  No drifting snow or wet patches!

While I was there I had the chance to stop by the shop at The Forks and I have to say it was surreal.  I have seen the Forks that quiet before but it was on a Sunday morning at 6 am....and even then, there were more people around.   It was pretty upsetting if I thought about it too much so I just tried not to pay too close attention to how a bustling place has been rendered to one bus and a smattering of one or two people walking through the open parking lot.  And to think that it is like that every day just breaks my heart.  However, I know of noone personally who has succumbed to the illness and am forever grateful for that.  Things could be so much worse. 

I am staying busy at the Gimli Studio (closed to the public) creating new scents, new items and planning for the future as best I can.  I'm filling online orders and having so much fun with the Fortune Cookie 'O Fun.  Remember the Tree 'O Fun in the Winnipeg shop?!?!?  It's like that except discount pricing on future orders/purchases and just so much fun for everyone involved!! I feel like Santa Claus, packing up orders with 1 Free soap sample, 5 free scent samples and some extra goodies.    All of that and Free shipping over $100 makes online shopping very appealling right now.  And I have to chuckle to myself as every once in awhile I will see someone come across a pricing error on the webpage and take advantage of my boo boo. haha  Thanks so much for finding those for me.  Of course, I charge what the webpage says and fix the mistake after the fact.  Keep up the good work!

To each person who has ordered online, thank you from the bottom of my heart and the tips of my toes.  I appreciate your support so much!!  I now keep a box of kleenex by the computer so when orders arrive, I'm ready to fully experience the love with a few sobs of gratitude.  You all are so wonderful!

Stay safe!  Wash your hands!  Looking forward to hearing from you!


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