
It's been a year already on Salt Spring Island and hello Lil Red Barn!

Lana McCullough

Time flies!  It was a year ago this week that I was scrambling to get all the packing finished and put onto a truck between snow storms and getting on the road to Salt Spring Island.  I knew that I just had to take the leap and get here to see what direction everything would go in as I started to rebuild from the devastation of the pandemic. 

And so we arrived through a few trials and tribulations that we fondly (or not so fondly) reminisced on this past weekend.  What was so great about the process of reminiscing was that it opened the door to dreaming and beholding the future. Just yesterday, I was up on Mount Maxwell on a back road and experiencing riding trails and deep, dark, wonderful trails in the remote forest that made my heart swell with joy.  It was so incredibly beautiful!  It was part of me fleshing out my next version of my business that I'm working towards already.  I won't share too much detail as any concept morphs with time and effort as I find what works and what doesn't.  BUT, it's nice to know that I'm working on something so special.  I LOVE it!  And you will too!  I will always be creating great candles, scents and products but there is always the next level where you will be able to come and experience it all with me, in person, on Salt Spring Island.  I am actively working on that next level and am filled with joy that it is within my reach with hard work.  What is even more exciting is that it may include horses (yes, real live ones) and take me back to my farm days (minus the -40 below).  

I did not really know that was the dream until a few months ago.  I was just letting the journey reveal itself to me and I dare say that it is something far more wonderful than I could have thought of.  Things that I thought long gone are resurfacing as possibilities and it makes my heart smile.  Yup, you heard me.  My heart smiled. lol   And when I make it so that you can come and have your heart smile too, then I 1000% know that it will be sold out.   Cuz #1, who doesn't want to experience their heart smiling and #2, this is a magical place where wonderful things come true.  Don't you want to see what I'm talking about?  I know I don't even have the full answer yet and I'm excited to see what it is exactly.   But patience is a virtue (drat but true) so I am thrilled to know that I am putting the stepping stones in place to get me there. 

For now, one of the first steps is to thank you from the bottom of my smiling heart for your continued support online.  It makes a huge difference to my focus and dreams to know that you will take the time to order from me from places across Canada and the United States.  What a wonderful gift!  Thank you!! 

I also want to thank all of the people who are shopping from me at the Salt Spring Farmer's Market.  Your caring and compassion are so wonderful and thank you for sharing that with me while enjoying some of my products.  Your support is another strong thing that lets me know that I'm on the right path.  Thank you!!

Then I also want to share with you the update of the Lil Red Barn Farmstand.  It is almost ready to go and I must say is as cute as a bugs ear!! (see its pic above)  It will be carrying some of my products along with home baked goodies in the weeks ahead.  If you want to follow it along on it's journey, check out @saltspringisland_lilredbarn for all of its updates. 

And finally, I have the confirmed markets/shows that I will be at this year: 

Salt Spring Island Farmers Market March 30th - Oct 26th, 2024

Creative Craft Fait @ Pearkes Rec Center in Victoria November 8, 9th and 10th, 2024

That's all the news for now everyone!  So much more is to come and I will share as it happens.  Sadly, I no longer have time for Work With Me Wednesdays but please know that I'm working every day to keep stock up to fill orders and supply markets and farmstands.  There's only one me and sometimes, things have to give a little to make sure that I'm still getting some rest.

Wishing you all a week of happiness and joy!  Until my next blog!

Sending love!



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