Happy Spring Break to everyone! Don't you just love when you plan for one thing and then something else comes to the forefront and changes need to be made? I feel like that may just be my theme of 2024.
The roads on Salt Spring Island are winding and hilly like the pic above. To give you some idea, the speed limit on most of the island is 50 km per hour, there are no stop lights (there are stop signs) and most roads have a do not pass, solid line down the middle. If you get stuck behind someone going slow, it's time to slow down as well. This is not a horrible thing. So many twists and turns that you really need to pay attention and I found it a good analogy for my blog and business.
When I decided to move here my plans were to try to rebuild my business like I had run it in the past. I tried last Christmas with over 7 gift shows and with the exception of two or three shows, I realized that there is no going back to rebuilding the way that things used to be. That being said, I will be in Victoria in early November for their Creative Craft Fair. But mostly this is a time to be starting over and building back with innovation and creativity. It is about taking what is available and making it special and authentically my own. Oh believe me there is temptation to open a brick and mortar store but the property and rent is such that it is doubtful that sales could even support such a thing and so, buildings here sit empty and/or for sale rather than a new retail shop being able to open up. That's okay. I've noticed it isn't just a Salt Spring Island thing. This is something that seems to be happening everywhere. With that in mind, I looked around at what I could do that didn't require me investing large sums towards paying someone else's mortgage. Sure there are lots of places where you can rent a shelf (a shelf!!) for $300 a month and see if you products will sell without a sales staff or yourself to promote it. Yes, it's less money than full rent for a space but when you figure out how many shelves are available within a space, it quickly becomes an insane price for rent. Most of the ways that I used to think I would rebuild my business are just not feasible anymore.
What Salt Spring Island does have is this charming and wonderful world of farmstands! They were one of the cute things that attracted me to the island way of life. They cost nothing to rent a space. You simply build your own stand and fill it with your goods, stock it and monitor it and grow your business on your quality and uniqueness. This is right up my alley so we have been busy designing our own stand and are in the final stages of finishing to get it up and running in April 2024. Just in time for the summer crowds to arrive and find us (along with the locals). So I am very much looking forward to sharing that development with you as it gets running. We have constructed a super cute, unique stand in itself. I'm hoping it turns out as well as I envisioned it! I'll definitely keep you posted.
In other news, because of my new direction and pivot, I have decided to no longer run my live Work With Me Wednesday videos. I have opted instead to go for offering more Reels in the months ahead as that allows me the luxury of piecing together video at a time frame that works for me for both my business and my farmstand.
On my products front, I am happy to report that some much loved scents are restocked for you. Ginger Lime is back! Cedar Sage Blackberry is back in full stock! Monkey Farts is fully stocked too! They've been sold out in various forms on my online shop and I'm delighted to have them back to offer to you again.
And as I type this I am making more bath bomb stock for the upcoming start of the Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market season starting March 30th!! This is every Saturday until the end of October (weather permitting).
And that's my news this week! As always, I cannot end a blog without extending my deepest gratitude for your continued support of all of my creations whether it be candles, or soaps, or bath bombs, or melts, or whatever I am making and selling. It is such a joy to share my creations with you! Thank you! I look forward to sharing so much more with you in the future.
Wishing you a Joyous Easter! Sending all of my love!