
Announcing our NEW Home Delivery - Discount/Rewards Program for Winnipeg!

Lana McCullough

Every cloud has it's silver lining.  The Winnipeg Forks location is now permanently closed due to the residual effects of COVID19 on that location (that's the cloud part).  Our Gimli location is open and doing just fine.  BUT... as we wait for the other boot to drop, or another flu season to come along, I am acutely aware that I must make my products available to customers through other routes that are insulated from shutdowns and social distancing. (keep reading for the silver lining part)

This is exactly why I am so pleased to announce our REWARDS program and free Home Delivery to Winnipeg.  The first round of this program deals with Winnipeg only but within a few days, I will be extending these great savings onto our online orders as well to benefit our customers across Canada and the United States.  I am very pleased to launch a discount/rewards program so that our customers benefit from the changing times.

I know that customers have been asking for this for years but it just wasn't possible with the POS system that we had in our stores.  Online we can do so many things that weren't possible before!  It's very exciting for me as I love boxing up your orders and making them like little Christmas presents in themselves.  The great thing is that it is year round and doesn't have to be Christmas time at all.  That means that I can then have alot of fun creating themed bonus items that go with your orders - you should see my COVID19 soap that I made.....I will be posting it on Instagram and Facebook in the next couple of days.

The rewards program is located on the sidebar of this page.  Simply click on it and it will give you all the details on how the program will work along with the beginning discount code that you will need for your first rewards order.

Please do give the rewards/delivery program a try and I appreciate all of your feedback on it as it will allow us to tweak it to give the maximum performance for you.  This is very much a grass roots program right now where I am relying on you to try it and if you love it, chat it up on social media, recommend it to your friends and we will grow it from there.  

Be safe!  Stay healthy!  And thank you so much for the support.  It means the world to me!

love from Gimli!


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