Hello from Salt Spring Island!
I have to admit it's been chilly here recently. As in, 9 degrees Celcius in the morning and warming to only 15 degrees in the afternoon. Today it's warmer at 23 degrees for a high. Regardless of temps though, the sun is warm and it makes trips to the oceanside delightful. Treasures are found of colored shells and pieces of driftwood while watching out for spitting clams. Who knew that was a thing?!! But yes, when the tide is going out and the clams are exposed from underneath the water, they spit water up into the air like little mini geysers. It's pretty cool.
And as we are all hopefully enjoying the beginning of Summer, my thoughts and planning turns towards Christmas. Yup, it's that time of year. My first show is October 13th this year which means I've only got 3 months to have most of my Christmas production done and ready to go. That's not alot of time for being ready for the busiest time of year!
But as I plan for Christmas, I am settled in our new home and enjoying as much of Salt Spring as I can. The timing of the move all seemed really hectic and fast but it actually worked out really well in that now as I'm starting to feel settled, I can start working on Christmas and be ready in time. It wasn't really me who had this all figured out. Just acknowledging that someone had a good plan in place for me. ;) We scrambled out of Manitoba between snow storms, hit the mountains and experienced every form of weather from rain to snow to sleet to sunshine as we finally pulled into Tsawwassen terminal for our ferry ride home in the dark. It was crazy! To this day we marvel at finding our way through the dark (there are no street lights on the side roads of Salt Spring Island), up the side of a mountain to find our new home. Thank goodness for modern GPS!! We relied heavily on GPS through the entire trip and for the first month or two on the island. I'm happy to report that we use it less and less, now that we acclimate and figure out where exactly we are.
And as I prep for Christmas, I am also working on our new line of candles to hopefully be ready for reveal soon. I am so looking forward to that day! In the meantime, I'm in the "trust the process" phase of development which can be equally rewarding and frustrating. Eventually it all works out! Thank you for your patience!
And always, without a second of doubt, thank you for your continued support online! I appreciate it so very much and it helps to buoy my spirit of being on the right path on days when I'm questioning that very thing. The entrepreneurial life is riddled with ups and downs and getting an online order can right a day that might feel wrong so thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and belief in me! Because to a small entrepreneur, an online order is not just someone making a purchase but someone saying that they love your products, they support you and they want you to keep at it! There's a huge message going into your orders....not sure that you realized that, but it's so very true!
Thank you also for subscribing to my blogs and newsletters. I am upping my blogging to once a week simply because this is the space that allows me to go into more detail about what is going on with me, my little company and my products. Social media is good but usually has to be brief and headlines only type of communication. This is nice in that I can ramble on a little bit more. I like rambling!
So do have a great weekend ahead and enjoy the moments of your day. Each one is different. Each one is special! Just like all of us.
Until next week! Sending lots of love!