
Looking forward more instead of missing what was!

Lana McCullough

A Happy New Year to you!  I am looking forward to 2023 with alot of anticipation and I honestly haven't felt that way for almost 3 years now.  It's been too long!  There are ALOT of big changes coming and I'm excited to get back out into the world and meet my customers across Canada again.  

2022 was a year of tentatively dipping my toes back into the retail waters and building back my confidence.  It's kind of hard to come back after being benched for so long.  Would people still love what I do?  Would they still be as wonderful and friendly as they were?  How had all of the past 3 years really impacted the whole retail experience?  These were all huge questions that we only found out the answers to by diving in and trying out the Arnes Market, Scattered Seeds and the Signatures Convention Centre Handmade Christmas Show.  It's funny how it was all a steady build that I had not intended it to be, I don't least not conscientiously on my part.  But that's kind of how it worked out which was a very nice surprise.  It was a good year of rebuilding while maintaining the new skills and online elements of business that were acquired during the pandemic.  And it was so GREAT to see friends and customers from days before the pandemic!!  It was so nice to see and chat with you in person again!

My business model is completely different now though.  Even when I had brick and mortar locations, I could see how pop up markets and online sales were the retail areas that were growing and developing real momentum.  The pandemic just brought that front and center and that is my business model moving forward.  So no big brick and mortar location announcement.  But alot of pop up locations being put out on the table right now and a plan with design is being put together.  It will see me back out in Vancouver in 2023 and hopefully in other locations like Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon along with Winnipeg.  I think I will leave 2024 for the year to take on Ontario cities.  Best not to lump it all into one year.  As those shows/pop ups become confirmed, I will be sure to share them with you here and on social media.

My first pop up the year will be in Winnipeg at Prairie Strides (formerly MRDA) Super Flea Market at Assiniboia Downs on Feb 4th & 5th.  I'm looking forward to that alot as I can lean into my horsey themed items (you know you love the Horse Barn candle!) and create some new ones too.  Follow me on Instagram or my Facebook page to see the NEW items first!   And then of course, it's before Valentine's Day so I can have some love themed items too.  This event is a major fundraiser for the Riding for the Disabled Program and it is such a worthy cause.  I am happy to be involved with it this year!

Work With Me Wednesdays will be back, beginning January 4th.  If for no other reason but to give me a weekly schedule and focus.  I swear, they are just disasters most of the time. lol  If something is going to go massively wrong... it will be at a WWMW live feed.   But it's a nice way to maintain contact with everyone too!  I will not be saving them to my webpage anymore as Facebook has made that aspect of the LIVES very difficult to do.  They definitely want us to stay on their platforms.  I will start working on REELS more too so if the LIVES do become an issue for saving and sharing, then I have an alternate to fall back on.  Sometimes social media is challenging to work with.  But I'm doing my best to figure it all out. 

Home deliveries are being kept working into 2023.  Once a week deliveries are available beginning January 8th in Winnipeg inside the perimeter.  Charges remain the same with free delivery for online orders over $100 and a $10 deliver charge for any online purchases under $100.  This, of course, will be weather permitting as we all know the weather that can occur in our winters here in Manitoba.

And of course with the successful soft launch of my new melters that I am making, I am continuing in that area of development as well.  New designs will be at the Prairie Strides Market and will be dropped online too.  Let's just say, it will be a horse theme along with the best sellers from the Fall shows.  Custom gift boxes are being designed to further develop this line.  It is very challenging to get the results that I want but when it works, it is ahmazing which i love, love, love!

New scents are being worked on for 2023 as well!  It was so much fun creating some new ones last year that were a success.  It was my reminder to keep making new and different Hartmont scents that cannot be found anywhere else and are part of what makes Hartmont so unique and OOAK.

And then you are thinking, what else can be coming?  That's quite a bit already!  Well, I am actively creating new design techniques with my soaps to make them even more OOAK and a must have item in your home and bath.  New techniques provided by my 3D printers, will allow me to make some really new and exciting soaps, believe it or not!  So watch for those coming out soon!

Last but not least, may I take this last note to thank you for your support throughout 2023 and wish you a wonderful New Year!  Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.  It feels like we are doing it together and I greatly enjoy the company!  May 2023 be kind to you and kind to us all!



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