Happy last week of January!
I've been busy planning and organizing supplies and stock and have decided to clear out some large Aurora candles that I just have a little too much stock of. It's all part of the organizing and building stock for the 2024 season that has me looking at these few left overs and thinking to myself that I'd rather that you got to enjoy them. So I'm doing a spend $100 and get a free large candle of my choice for you promo. You will notice the difference in coloring of these candles as the color in soy tends to fade over time. The fresh candles are just a little more vibrant in color which I enjoy more and I'm gonna guess that you do too. However, absolutely nothing is wrong with the candle. It is absolutely fine. It still smells great when it's burning and works great!
I will not be gifting you Christmas scents simply because those are mostly gone anyways. This is definitely a limited supply promo so I'm not sure how long I will have it going on which means if you are interested, do shop online now. Thank you so much for your continued support as I go along on this journey and figure out how to rebuild in a way that works the best for everyone.
I know that I have to keep telling myself to not believe most things that I have learnt in the past. Everything truly has changed and so the old fall back of opening a shop of my own and seeing how it goes just isn't feasible anymore. There are too many empty spaces sitting empty which, to me, says that businesses cannot thrive in the spaces available for any number of reasons from the recession to the asking lease/price being too high to the cost of overhead simply not making what was once viable, not so viable in this current environment heavy laden with markets. Every once in awhile I'll see an opportunity and have to remind myself of how I want to build back. It will definitely be in a new way for me and I'm looking forward to that challenge.
That being said, I can't divulge any more information on what I'm working on just yet. The path is emerging and revealing itself to me slowly. I'm just trusting the process and letting it all work out as it should. In the meantime, please do enjoy this promo. It's a good one!
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!