Hello friends!
February has flown by with all the activities and planning going on here on Salt Spring Island. And Daylight Savings Sunday is already upon us!! The schedule here is usually something to the tune of January is for dreaming, February is for planning those dreams and then March is for putting it into action or at least getting started. Of course, the larger picture dream doesn't happen right away but small steps that are now being implemented are taking us in that direction and it's really quite exciting. It's a good journey to be on. It's definitely not perfect but the imperfection is kind of what makes it exciting and ensures that it's the right direction. So what I'm saying is, "It's all good...even when it is more difficult."
Now, you are wondering what can I tell you about it all as I drag you along on this journey. The following events are confirmed and I will be at these events. The only caveat will be if it's raining, then I won't be at the Farmer's Market on Saturday but will be back the next sunny Saturday.
Markets and shows that I will be doing in 2024!
Salt Spring Farmer's Market on Salt Spring Island March 30th to Oct 26th. Every Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The Creative Craft Fair in Victoria this coming November 8 - 10th.
I may do a couple of Christmas shows on Salt Spring Island in December and will post when/if they are confirmed but that won't be for quite some time before those smaller shows get organized and accept applications.
In other news, I do have a few new scents that are being added to my line this year as well. A few have disappeared already and if you haven't noticed, then that is probably why they disappeared. Or it could be something as simple as the ingredients that I used to get for them have been discontinued by a supplier or the supplier has closed down all together. The repercussions of Covid lockdowns continue on. So do watch for the new scent announcements in March and April along with my latest NEW endeavour in March. We are building it now and hope to have it up and running by the end of March!
I wish I could tell you more about the plans but they are constantly morphing to suit the current economic environment which is a tough one to make a plan with. But we are all feeling that crunch and because of that, I send my deepest gratitude and love for your continued support! I know how valued your hard earned dollar is and for you to make the choice to share that with me through a purchase either online or in person is something that I truly appreciate. Thank you from the deepest depths!
Sending all of my love!