This week I am addressing the elephant in the room. It's the question of why am I not doing the Vancouver Christmas Market?!?
Just like the majority of people, I do not want to go back to 2019 levels of working 7 days a week, 363 days a year (Christmas and New Years were always off). It was crazy! The Vancouver Christmas Market alone was 5 weeks then (I believe now it is 6 weeks) with some days being 12-14 hour days in the cold, huddled by woefully inadequate heaters. The expense of renting a place to stay close to the event in downtown Vancouver along with shipping costs have gone up and adding an extra week in early November would not offset those costs as prime selling season at the market was the last 2 weeks before Christmas which cannot be lengthened. I have found other markets/shows to build upon that allow me time to also maintain my online business year round.
My new beginning on Salt Spring Island was intended to build back with a nice balance of work and down time. And that is exactly why I will only be working shows this season that entail 4 days at the most of an event. That gives me time to rest a smidge and keep my online orders going out before taking on the next event. I am doing indoor shows only so that bypasses the huddling by a heater to stay warm problem. I work from home. I can bake cupcakes while making products, take the dogs for a walk while wax is setting and just live a better life.
With that being said, my show schedule is as follows (and it's still pretty busy):
Oct 21st - Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market
Oct 28th - Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market
Nov 10 - 12th - Creative Craft Fair - Victoria
Nov 17-19th - West Coast Women's Show BC Place Downtown Vancouver
Nov 23 - 26th - Signatures Convention Center Winnipeg
Dec 2 & 3rd Made in the 604 North Vancouver Pipe Shop, The Shipyards
Dec 8 - 10th - Winter Weekend Holiday Market Nanaimo Art Gallery
Dec 16 & 17 Vancouver Winter Market Yaletown
Mark your calendar for the days that work best for you and I'll share more details as the events get closer. A huge thankyou to everyone who continues to support me online, came out to the Abbotsford West Coast Women's Show to support me and continue to support me at the Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market! Each sale is important and I appreciate each and every one!
Wishing you all the best this week! Come see me at the Salt Spring Island market this Saturday (weather permitting) if you are in the area. Sending all of my love!