Hi there!
All systems are go for Christmas and the upcoming show season! I keep counting on my fingers....yup, 3 months. Eeps! It all starts off this upcoming weekend with the Made In the 605 Autumn Pop-up Market at The Pipe Shop in North Vancouver.
My schedule is filling out with only a couple of applications dangling in the air. One is because I just found the market today to apply to so that's kind of on me. This is not, in any way, a comment on organizers. All organizers have been fairly good with communicating right away whether they have room for me or not. I am very pleased with my BC show schedule thus far! So just to remind you all, here it goes:
Sept 30th and October 1st - Made in the 604 North Vancouver
October 7th - Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market
Oct 13 - 15th - West Coast Women's Show Abbotsford
Oct 21st - Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market
Oct 28th - Salt Spring Island Farmer's Market
Nov 10 - 12th - Creative Craft Fair - Victoria
Nov 17-19th - West Coast Women's Show BC Place Downtown Vancouver
Nov 23 - 26th - Signatures Convention Center Winnipeg
Dec 2 & 3rd Made in the 604 North Vancouver
Dec 8 - 10th - Winter Weekend Holiday Market Nanaimo Art Gallery
Dec 16 & 17 Vancouver Winter Market Yaletown
December 23rd and 24th - wide open - nothing - for now anyways
And of course, I will be doing my best to have my NEW sandblasted glass at all of these shows. As long as equipment co-operates, they will be there with bells on! I am so in love with this NEW medium and design and even more in love with how creative the sandblasting will be for future designs. It's available online now if you want to make sure to get yours and not take your chances at it being in stock when you get to the markets.
Alrighty! I've got alot of work to do but I love the challenge and love seeing you all in person. It makes markets so fun!
I wish you a wonderful week ahead! And see you in North Vancouver this coming Friday and Saturday. It's going to be a great weekend!
Sending lots of love!