News — shows
Welcome September!
Hello friends and Hello September! I blinked and now it's September. Busy season is upon me and I am scrambling to get everything done that I want to get done. It's presenting new and interesting challenges as I was working in 80% humidity just the other day and that threw a loop into all of my efforts. I did figure it out and again was eternally grateful that I was doing small batches so that I caught any issues before they became a major problem. There is definitely an advantage to being small! I am pleased to report that my...
Mid August prep for Christmas is in full gear!
Christmas is just around the corner! I know, I know, you are saying that just isn't so let's do the math... 1/2 or August is gone already. It's the 14th today. Which means we have Sept, Oct, Nov and December. That was only 4 months friends. We are almost on the last 1/3 of the year. So yes, Christmas is just about here, especially this year when I am potentially starting my Fall/Christmas markets as early as the first of October. So the past few weeks have been ordering and waiting on new supplies to arrive and as they arrive...