News — what's new

March News 2025

Lana McCullough

Tags 100% soy candles, 100% soy melts, candles, whats new

March News 2025

  Happy March to all! And just like that we are coming up to the end of the first quarter of the year.  Before we know it, Easter will be here!  It's so much fun making for the holidays and Easter is no exception.  This year, I'm challenging myself by taking on chocolate making.  At Christmas time I made Peppermint Patties that were wonderful.  I make homemade marshmallows on the regular so I'm thinking this year I'll be putting together some chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies (or hearts at the very least) for Easter fun. But I understand, you don't get...

More twists and turns than Salt Spring Island roads!

More twists and turns than Salt Spring Island roads!

Happy Spring Break to everyone!  Don't you just love when you plan for one thing and then something else comes to the forefront and changes need to be made?  I feel like that may just be my theme of 2024. The roads on Salt Spring Island are winding and hilly like the pic above. To give you some idea, the speed limit on most of the island is 50 km per hour, there are no stop lights (there are stop signs) and most roads have a do not pass, solid line down the middle.  If you get stuck behind someone...