New beginnings
Happy first full week of September friends! Doesn't September always feel like new beginnings? It's what I love so much about the Fall....that feeling of new beginnings as we head into our busiest time of the year. It is no coincidence that my new line is being launched this month and it is taking me down a path that feels completely like a NEW beginning. It is a magical time and I'm excited to see where the new skills take me as I can really see the artistic side of this taking me in an amazing direction with my products....
Welcome September!
Hello friends and Hello September! I blinked and now it's September. Busy season is upon me and I am scrambling to get everything done that I want to get done. It's presenting new and interesting challenges as I was working in 80% humidity just the other day and that threw a loop into all of my efforts. I did figure it out and again was eternally grateful that I was doing small batches so that I caught any issues before they became a major problem. There is definitely an advantage to being small! I am pleased to report that my...
Working on Purr-fection!
August is turning out Purr-fectly fine! You may have noticed some new designs coming your way this past week. Things are moving along here and NEW designs are being made for you. As Summer is starting to wind down, I'm starting to work on Fall designs and scents. It's not overtly Fall yet at my farmer's market stand but I'm sneaking in things like Kitty Cats, Apples and Pumpkin Coffee. A bit of Fall vibes that people are eating up! I wasn't sure about how the kitties would do but they sold out right away. Wow! That was so great...
Mid August prep for Christmas is in full gear!
Christmas is just around the corner! I know, I know, you are saying that just isn't so let's do the math... 1/2 or August is gone already. It's the 14th today. Which means we have Sept, Oct, Nov and December. That was only 4 months friends. We are almost on the last 1/3 of the year. So yes, Christmas is just about here, especially this year when I am potentially starting my Fall/Christmas markets as early as the first of October. So the past few weeks have been ordering and waiting on new supplies to arrive and as they arrive...
Hello August!
Summer Farmers Markets in full swing! And just like that, July Farmers Markets are done. Time sure flies, doesn't it? July was a month with some learning curves to it. You truly don't appreciate the sun without the rain, metaphorically speaking as I do really enjoy the rain. August will see me on Salt Spring Island every Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm. For those who know the work involved with a market, I'm at the market from 7 am to 4 pm. I think it gives appreciation for what exactly goes into a market for the vendors as...