It's always been about scent and design!
July 2023 marked the 22nd Anniversary of my first year of making candles! It's true! On July 15, 2001, I made my very first votive on my farm. I was making purely for myself because when one lives on a farm, there are certain farm smells that one wishes to distance themselves from. I loved my horses but they do tend to take over in the scent department. It didn't take me long to go from a plain and ordinary candle to creating colors and designs with techniques that I learnt either through trial and error or through early tutorials...
The last week of July making me feel like home!
A rainy day in BC! Hello and greetings from Salt Spring Island. It is finally raining a little bit. The last rain day here was June 10th. That's about a month and a half ago. I knew the summers here would be warm and dry but I don't remember it being quite so rain free completely. None the less, it finally feels like living in BC....just that nice, even, soft rain that we rarely got on the prairies. I LOVE it! It feels like how I remember Vancouver being and all the happy vibes of that just makes me very,...
It's mid July already!
Greetings friends from Salt Spring Island Ganges Harbour! This is my view almost every Saturday morning. It truly is amazing and there is always something (or someone) new to see out in the water. They must have incredible eyesight because I look at that water and see absolutely zero fish swimming about. Yet, they come up with fish intermittently and enjoy breakfast as I set up my tent at the Salt Spring Farmers Market. The locals are so used to the harbour that they really are immune to the beauty and charm of it all. 50 plus years of cold...
July experiences thus far... the good, the bad, the beautiful!
Hello friends! I've loved alot about Salt Spring Island these past few months, but there are times when it isn't easy. This past weekend was one of those experiences. I was soooooo excited to get back to Vancouver. Driving by the old warehouse and the streets of Kitsilano made me so very happy. It was like coming home. From the goofy (said with fondness) turn off to get onto Granville Island off of Granville Street to the familiarity of Oak Street, it was a delight to be cruising the old haunt! But alot of times in the entrepreneurial world, you...
Is there an ultimate dream?
Hello again friends! This week I'd like to share with you exactly how I ended up on Salt Spring Island. To alot it was sudden and unexpected. And to be honest, though it wasn't overall a surprise to me....the timing of it completely was. When I first started to craft many years ago, I had heard about a place called Salt Spring Island where the artisans were. There was a reputation of that purist artisan excellence that really struck a chord with me. So even, many years ago, I kind of knew that was where I wanted to be. I...