New Candle scents and Bath bomb designs are coming!
Happy mid July everyone! It's been kind of quiet on my end in the social media realm simply because it's summer and I'm taking the time to enjoy being outdoors but also because I've been plotting my Fall/Winter designs and new additions. I've been promising new scents and will be excited to announce my new additions as they become available. The first to arrive and being worked on/tested is beachy themed. And as soon as that one is finished passing the muster and added to the line (assuming it passes all tests), I'll be heading onto my new Fall scents...
Happy Canada Day!
Happy July 1st Long Weekend! I'm sending wishes for a restful and rejuvenating weekend for you! It's a little late but it's still July 1st so I'm hoping you had a great long weekend. I know I just look forward to that extra little day of downtime where I don't have to be anywhere but I still can choose to actively be creating at home. So today, if you cannot hear it, the 3D printer is whirring by my side, making a new design for my ever growing selection of milk bath bombs. Watch for some really creative new bath...
June News and thoughts as the new dream starts to flesh out..
Hi from my spot on the Ganges Harbour for the Salt Spring Island Farmers Market! June is here! It definitely is a wetter year than last here on Salt Spring Island. The grass needs more mowing, rain days/stormy weather is happening and just an overall feeling of it being a bit cooler than last year. But it's still wonderful and lovely and everything amazing that Salt Spring is! My schedule on the weekends is kind of full as I'm up early on Saturday filling the farmstand (open 8 am to 6 pm), heading over to the market to sell from...
Is Summer here already?
Hello from Salt Spring Island! More beach finds to wet your whistle for the day! There are so many tiny, tucked away beaches here that I'm still discovering them all and having trouble keeping them all straight. I believe this one is called Bader Beach with this gorgeous mountain stream flowing down into the ocean. Even though we drove there, I am still such a newbie that I have issues with keeping my compass here so not even sure which side of the island it is on. lol I normally am good with directions but someone pointed out to me...
All things Hartmont May 2024!
Salt Spring Island beaches and sunny days! A happy May to all! I hope that you are enjoying the weather, wherever you are. It's been a mix of super sunny Summer weather here on Salt Spring one day and then the quiet rain and chill on others. Perfect for the beach in the sun one day and by a cozy fire indoors, the next. I really can't complain but I always put out the caveat of when I'm planning to be somewhere (at a market or a farmstand) that it is dependant on the weather. Noone likes wet products so...